Visokošolski strokovni študij I. stopnje POSLOVNE VEDE I

diplomirani poslovni informatik (VS)/diplomirana poslovna informatičarka (VS)
Organizacija študija
  • Izredni študij.
  • 3 leta.
  • 180 ECTS.
  • SOK raven 7.
  • Predavanja praviloma potekajo dvakrat tedensko v popoldanskem času in so organizirana v obliki strnjenih vsebinskih sklopov, kar pomeni, da se študenti hkrati osredotočajo le na en predmet.
  • Študij se izvaja hibridno, kar omogoča kombinacijo udeležbe na predavanjih v živo in dostopa do posnetkov predavanj.
  • Enote študija: Celje, Ljubljana, Maribor, Nova Gorica, Murska Sobota, Slovenj Gradec.

1. letnik
Ekonomika poslovnega sistema
Poslovno komuniciranje in timsko delo
Prvi tuji jezik I – angleški
Poslovna informatika
Pravo družb in poslovno pravo
Osnove menedžmenta
Osnove trženja

2. letnik
Upravljanje s kadri
Računalniška strojna oprema
Operacijski sistemi in omrežja
Osnove programiranja
Razvoj programske opreme pod. zbirk
Informacijski sistemi
Poslovna matematika

3. letnik
Multimedijske tehnologije
Izbirni predmet smeri 1
Izbirni predmet smeri 2
Prosto izbirni predmet
Strokovna praksa
Diplomska naloga ali diplomska izpita

Izbirni predmeti smeri
Podatkovne zbirke, Finančno upravljanje in naložbe v IT, Modeliranje in analiza poslovnih procesov, Razvoj spletnih aplikacij.

Prosto izbirni predmeti
Organiziranje in vodenje projektov, Uporaba blockchain tehnologij in KV, E-trženje, Razvoj kariere, Izbirni tuji jezik – Italijanščina, izbirni predmet druge smeri, študijskega programa ali fakultete.

Diplomska izpita
Trendi v razvoju IS, Inteligentni sistemi.

Pogoji za vpis

Vpis v 1. letnik: vsi, ki so opravili maturo, poklicno maturo ali zaključni izpit (štiriletni srednješolski program).

Vpis v 2. letnik: po Merilih za prehode, med katerimi se lahko po kriterijih za priznavanje prizna vsaj 60 KT z višješolskega študijskega programa, ki se nanašajo na obvezne predmete visokošolskega študijskega programa in kandidati, ki se jim na podlagi opravljenih izpitov na visoki šoli prizna najmanj 30 KT za izredni študij.

Vpis v 3. letnik: kandidati, ki se jim na podlagi opravljenih izpitov na visoki šoli prizna najmanj 80 KT za izredni študij.

Profil diplomanta

Diplomant študijskega programa prve stopnje Poslovne vede I, smer Poslovna informatika bo poleg splošnih kompetenc, kot so npr. poznavanje in razumevanje procesov v poslovnem okolju, obvladovanje raziskovalnih metod in usposobljenost za osebni razvoj, osebno rast in vseživljenjsko učenje, pridobil še predmetno-specifične kompetence, kot so:

  • razumevanje osnov makro− in mikroekonomije ter poznavanje temeljnih ekonomskih pojmov in vprašanj,
  • poznavanje finančnega načrtovanja in načinov financiranja podjetja,
  • poznavanja pomena povezave: organizacijska struktura – strategija podjetja – organizacijska kultura,
  • spoznajo vlogo in pomen organiziranja, vodenja ter upravljanja podjetja in se usposobijo se za projektno delo in načrtovanje sodobnih oblik organiziranosti, vodenja in upravljanja podjetja oziroma organizacije,
  • spoznajo metode modeliranja in analiziranja poslovnih procesov,
  • spoznajo vlogo in pomen poslovne informatike v poslovnem subjektu in so sposobni razvijati poslovne informacijske sisteme v svojem delovnem okolju,
  • sposobnost načrtovanja in oblikovanja komponent kompleksnih IS sistemov, kot so: sodobne tehnologije razvijanja poslovnih aplikacij in podatkovnega modeliranja, uporaba programerskih razvojnih orodij, varnostne tehnologije, operacijskih sistemov in omrežij, sodobne metode in tehnike obvladovanja poslovnih procesov,
  • zavedanje varnostnih vidikov problematike elektronskega poslovanja,
  • prepoznavanje problemov, ki se dajo formulirati z matematičnimi sredstvi, in pravilni pristop k reševanju le-teh,
  • sposobnost obvladovanja informacij, ki so pomembne pri odločanju in poznavanje sistemov za podporo odločanju ter sposobnost izbire ustrezne metode odločanja pri reševanju poslovnih problemov v delovnem okolju,
  • spoznajo osnove revidiranja poslovnih informacijskih sistemov (v nadaljevanju PIS), analiziranja poslovnih prevar v PIS in ocenjevanja tveganj pri načrtovanju PIS,
  • poglobljena znanja o sodobnih oblikah, zvrsteh in pojavnih oblikah računalniške kriminalitete vodstvenega kadra v tržni dejavnosti gospodarskih družb in drugih organizacij,
  • sposobnost načrtovanja, zbiranja in analiziranja množičnih podatkov in
  • sposobnost izbire ustrezne statistične metode pri izdelavi konkretnih statističnih analiz in sposobnost za vsebinsko interpretiranje rezultatov le-teh.

Students continuously demonstrate their acquired knowledge through active participation at lectures, tutorials and lab practice, short written works, written tests, preliminary tests and participation in the work environment. At the end of the learning process students also pass a written/oral examination. Examinations for full-time students take place during three examination terms (in January/February, June and September), while the examinations for part-time studies are usually organised two to three weeks after the completion of lectures for the corresponding subject.

Results of examinations are given the following grades: excellent (10), very good (9 and 8), good (7), adequate (6) and inadequate (1 to 5). Similar assessment criteria are laid down in the syllabuses and instructions for participation in the subject.

Part-time students progress to Year 2 provided that they earned a minimum of 20 credits from Year 1 subjects and settled their tuition fee in full. In order to progress to Year 3 part-time students must earn a minimum of 80 credits and settle their tuition fee in full. Part-time Students must complete work practice prior to applying for the defence of their diploma thesis.

Students can submit the topic of their thesis, when they have no more than two remaining examinations.

Students are entitled to the graduate candidate status in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations.

Prior to the defence of their thesis students must complete all study programme requirements. The studies are completed by the preparation and successful defense of the diploma thesis or successfully by passing two additional examinations, specified by the study programme. Thereby students earn a total of 180 credits and acquire the professional title of diplomirani ekonomist (VS) or diplomirana ekonomistka (VS).

Enrolment (into a higher year) without the required number of credits can be granted by the Committee for Study Affairs of the Undergraduate Study Programme on the basis of students’ applications.

Repetition: students who fail to meet the progression requirements can repeat the year. During the entire duration of studies students can repeat a year only once without the payment of the tuition fee. In this event students must only pay the costs of re-enrolment according to the valid price list.

Extension of student status: students can request the extension of their student status for a single year, if:

  • they do not enrol into a higher year due to justified reasons or
  • they do not graduate in 12 months upon the completion of the last semester.

Student mothers and fathers can request a 12 months’ extension of their student status for each new-born child born during the time of their studies.
If students fail to complete all examinations they lose their student status and they are only registered in the faculty records.

Candidates can also pass examinations as residents. This option refers to the enrolment of citizens in the registry of participants in education who autonomously engage in specific subjects or parts of the part-time study programme under the conditions which apply for the implementation of the programme. Individuals who are engaged in education as residents do not hold the student status. Residents receive a certificate stating the grade and the number of acquired credits for each passed examination. Residents do not have a specified curriculum or year of study programme and can thus not request the recognition of examinations and knowledge from other schools and/or their work experience.
Residents pay the admission fee and all examination fees according to the applicable price-list.

Recognition of examinations

In accordance with FCBS Regulations on the Testing and Assessment of Knowledge, students who were enrolled in other higher education programmes prior to their enrolment at the FCBS can request the recognition of their previously passed examinations. Requests for the recognition of examinations must enclose the certificate of completed examinations, including the grade and date of the completion of examination, the subject syllabus, which must be confirmed by the relevant school, and a copy of the receipt of payment of the request fee. On the basis of the proposal of the relevant subject lecturer, the final decision regarding the recognition of examination is made by the Committee for Study Affairs of the Undergraduate Study Programme.

Recognition of subject requirements for work practice is done by the work practice coordinator on the basis of the student’s request, while this proposal is confirmed by the Committee for Study Affairs of the Undergraduate Study Programme. The criterion for the recognition of the suitability of work experience is the similarity of the subject’s operational objectives and tasks and responsibilities carried out by the student during employment.

Recognition of work experience

Work practice is recognised in full tograduates from suitable short-cycle higher education programmes and students who have a minimum of 2 years’ suitable work experience from regular or part-time employment; these students must submit a request for the recognition of work practice.

Work practice is recognised in part to students, who have at least 2 years of suitable work experience. In this case the students must complete the specified number of hours of work practice in a company, and prepare a written report on the work practice. Students must submit the request with enclosed supporting documents within the specified deadline.

Recognition of informally acquired knowledge and skills

The Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences will recognise students’ knowledge and skills acquired prior to their enrolment in undergraduate study programmes, in full or in part, depending on whether they correspond in full or in part to the general and subject-specific competencies and undergraduate programme content.

The faculty can recognise knowledge and training acquired through formal, informal or non-formal learning. The basis for the recognition is a written request with enclosed formal certificates and a summary of the programme and/or other supporting documents which can be used in the assessment. The level of recognition of study requirements is approved by the Committee for Study Affairs for Undergraduate Studies, which also determines the corresponding credits and grades.

The following documents serve as the basis for recognition:

  • certificate or other document about the acquired knowledge outside a higher education institution;
  • assessment of products, services, publications or other works of the student if they conform to the content of the study programme option selected by the student; this decision is made by the relevant subject lecturer;
  • certificate of previously assessed knowledge in specific subjects, or a passed examination, even though the student was not enrolled in a programme;
  • published papers in scientific publications or at conferences if they conform to the study programme content selected by the student; this decision is made by the relevant subject lecturer;
  • applicative research and consultancy project reports if they conform to the study programme option content selected by the student; this decision is made by the relevant subject lecturer;
  • certificate from the organisation about students’ work experience in the professional field selected for their studies; the faculty will only recognise experience which clearly demonstrates that the candidates had to follow theoretical achievements and integrate them into their work; this decision is made by the subject lecturer;

On the basis of the above-specified documentation, including the opinion of the relevant subject lecturer, the Committee for Study Affairs for Undergraduate Studies decides on the full or partial recognition of the full or partial recognition of study requirements for specific subject, seminar or other requirements with due consideration of specific subjects.

The above-specified criteria apply only for knowledge acquired in Slovenia and abroad.

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