Intervju s študentko na mednarodni izmenjavi

Agnija Medvedeva iz fakultete SMK University of Applied Social Sciences program Advertising design iz Litve je na praktičnem usposabljanju na FKPV. Z njo smo opravili kratek intervju, ki si ga lahko preberete TUKAJ.

Why did you choose your internship at FKPV, Celje?

There were many reasons why I specifically chose my internship in FKPV. First of all, I have never been to this part of the Europe, and I saw this internship as a good opportunity, not only to see some beautiful places, but also to familiarize with Slovenian culture and people. Futhermore, I wanted to go to FKPV, as the school specializes in commerce and business, which is closely related to my studies. I also realised that apart from having a beneficial internship in FKPV, I could also start living a healthier and more active life, as there are so many things I could do here. So far I have hiked to Grintovec and Korošica, and I am planning to visit Triglav in the near future. When it comes to an active life, I believe that Celje is a very suitable place to have one. The city itself is not extremely big, which means that the main means of transportation is either your feet or bike 🙂 Also, Celje has a decent amount of art galleries, museums, libraries and events, which help you not only to enjoy your time here, but also, familiarize with the local culture and people.

What were your most challenging tasks here?
My internship offered me a wide range of tasks, which helped me to use both: my theoretical knowledge, character qualities and creativity in a useful and professional way . First, I was enrolled in the international Project – Developing Skills for Future Jobs. For the time being, we are working on organising an event in Celje. I enjoy participating in this project, as I have an opportunity to have a firsthand experience in the process of an event organisation. I can also freely express my ideas, and the most importantly, I can put my theoretical knowledge of marketing into practice. I always wanted to work in event organising field, as a result, I see this project as a great possibility not only to test myself, but also, to prepare for the future.

Another interesting part of this internship was to make the illustrations for the Netiquette book. The book is called "13 Golden Rules of the Netiquette". This book is about the correct behavior in the cyberspace. "13 Golden Rules of the Netiquette" is written in a unique way, as there is basically no text. I My task was to illustrate the 13 rules, so that the main idea was reflected as clear as possible. In addition to the usage of the computer programs, I could also be very creative, which was really useful, as this book will be published online, and I will be able to use this work for my portfolio and my internship report.

Furthermore, I was asked to create and perform a workshop for Photoshop beginners of FKPV. In order to prepare for this workshop I had to make the workshop structure and think of some exercises, which would help the students to understand the program. I believe, that the workshop was successful, as all the students managed to perform the exercises, and some of them said that they would like such workshops to happen more often. This particular part of the internship was rather challenging, as it demanded a lot of thought and preparation, however, it was successful and I believe we all benefited from this experience.


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