Tourism I

First cycle professional study programme Tourism I

Professional or academic title: Diplomirani organizator turizma (VS) / Bachelor of Applied Arts

Pursuant to the Professional and Academic Titles Act academic titles and professional titles are not to be translated into foreign languages.

Organisation of studies
  • Part-time study.
  • 3 years and 1 year for preparation of the diploma paper with its defence or by passing two additional examinations, specified by the study programme.
  • Lectures are held twice a week from Monday to Friday (4:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.) and are combined – remotely and in the classroom.
  • The academic year begins in October and ends in September.
  • The study programme is provided at Celje, Ljubljana, Maribor, Nova Gorica.

1st year
1. Basics of Business Knowledge
2. Fundamentals of Tourism Studies
3. Business Communication and Public Speaking
4. First Foreign Language I (Eng., Ger.)
5. Business Informatics
6. Company and Business Law
7. Second Foreign Language I (Eng., Ger., Ita.)
8. Cultural Heritage in Slovenia

2nd year
9. Research Methodology and Statistics
10. First Foreign Language II (Eng., Ger.)
11. Fundamentals of Marketing
12. Entrepreneurship
13. Second Foreign Language II (Eng., Ger., Ita.)
14. Sustainable Development of Tourism
15. Business Systems in Tourism
16. Human Resource Management

3th year
17. Module – 1st subject
18. Module – 2nd subject
19. Professional selective subject
20. Professional selective subject
21. Selective subject
22. Work Practice
23. Diploma thesis or subjects Calculations for Tourism and Negotiation Skills

Elective modules of the programme
(Module 1): Wellness and Spa: Health and Spa Resort Management, Trends in Wellness and Eco Tourism
(Module 2): Event Management and Sports Tourism: Event Management, Management of Sports Tourism

Professional elective subjects
Animation in Tourism, Customer Relationship Management, Hotel Management, Tourism Destination Management, Modern Security Environment and National Security, Trends in the Tourism Sector

Elective subjects
Elective Foreign Language (Ita. Ger.), Career Development, Project Organisation and Management, Application of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies, Strategic Development of an Enterprise, Sociology, elective course from another study program or faculty


Admission requirements for Year 1 comprise the successful completion of matura, vocational matura or the final exam (4-year secondary school). In the event of limited access, candidates are selected on the basis of their grade achieved at the final exam, matura and/or vocational matura (60%) and the end-of-year grade in 3rd and 4th year of secondary school (40%).

Enrolment into the 2nd year is possible for:
– graduates of higher education study programmes that meet the Criteria for transitions between study programmes (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia no 14/2019 of 8 March 2019). Based on the previous field of study, the Committee for Academic Affairs may determine the missing study obligations from the 1st year of the study programme in which the graduate is enrolling;
– candidates who have been awarded a minimum of 45 ECTS (for full-time study programme) or 20 ECTS (for part-time study programme) on the basis of recognition of prior formal and non-formal education.

Enrolment into the 3rd year is possible for candidates who have been awarded a minimum of 105 ECTS (for full-time study programme) or 80 ECTS (for part-time study programme) on the basis of recognition of prior formal and non-formal education.

Profile of a graduate – Competences

In addition to general competences, such as recognising and understanding business processes and research methods and acquiring skills for personal development, growth and life-long learning, graduates of the Tourism I programme also gain subject-specific competences, such as:

  • understanding the basics of macro- and microeconomics and knowledge of fundamental economic ideas and questions,
  • knowledge of financial planning and ways of financing a company,
  • understanding the importance of the connection: organisational structure – company strategy – organisational culture,
  • recognising the role and significance of organising, running and managing a company; gaining qualifications for project work and for devising contemporary forms of organising, running and managing a company or organisation,
  • knowledge of the methods of modelling and analysing business processes,
  • recognising the role and significance of tourism within a business entity; the ability to develop and organise the relevant business models in a working environment,
  • the ability to choose the correct statistical method when compiling statistical analyses, and the ability to interpret the results,
  • the understanding and ability to operate the basic and general branches of tourism,
  • the correct methods and procedures for problem-solving in the fields of wellness, sports, marketing and event management,
  • understanding and application of knowledge in the fields of tourism, sports and leisure time management,
  • planning, organising and monitoring relations and processes in the social and economic environment on a local level, with special emphasis on sustainable development,
  • knowledge of the characteristics of international tourist environments and destinations,
  • developing skills and capabilities of applying knowledge to specific fields of expertise,
  • understanding and using information and communication technology and systems in tourism,
  • the ability to find, interpret and make use of relevant information in the field of tourism,
  • the ability to connect fundamental knowledge from diverse fields and apply it in a domestic or international business environment.


Students continuously demonstrate their acquired knowledge through active participation at lectures, tutorials and lab practice, short written works, written tests, preliminary tests and participation in the work environment. At the end of the learning process students also pass a written/oral examination. Examinations for full-time students take place during three examination terms (in January/February, June and September), while the examinations for part-time studies are usually organised two to three weeks after the completion of lectures for the corresponding subject.

Results of examinations are given the following grades: excellent (10), very good (9 and 8), good (7), adequate (6) and inadequate (1 to 5). Similar assessment criteria are laid down in the syllabuses and instructions for participation in the subject.

Full-time students progress to Year 2 provided that they earned a minimum of 45 credits from Year 1 subjects and settled their tuition fee in full. In order to progress to Year 3 students must earn a minimum of 45 credits from Year 2 and pass all examinations from Year 1 (60 credits) and settle their tuition fee in full. Access to examinations in specific modules in Year 3 is linked to prerequisites (e.g. a specific examination of Year 2 is the prerequisite for access the examination in Year 3).

Part-time students progress to Year 2 provided that they earned a minimum of 20 credits from Year 1 subjects and settled their tuition fee in full. In order to progress to Year 3 part-time students must pass all examinations from Year 1 (60 credits), earn a minimum of 20 credits from Year 2 and settle their tuition fee in full. Access to examinations in specific modules in Year 3 is linked to prerequisites (e.g. a specific examination of Year 2 is the prerequisite for access the examination in Year 3).

Students are entitled to the graduate candidate status in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations.

Students can submit the topic of their diploma, when they have no more than two remaining examinations. Prior to the defence of their diploma thesis students must complete all study programme requirements. The studies are completed by the preparation and successful defense of the diploma thesis or successfully by passing two additional examinations, specified by the study programme. Thereby students earn a total of 180 credits and acquire the professional title of diplomirani organizator turizma (VS) or diplomirana organizatorka turizma (VS).

Enrolment (into a higher year) without the required number of credits can be granted by the Committee for Study Affairs of the Undergraduate Study Programme on the basis of students’ applications.

Repetition: students who fail to meet the progression requirements can repeat the year. During the entire duration of studies students can repeat a year only once without the payment of the tuition fee. In this event students must only pay the costs of re-enrolment according to the valid price list.

Extension of student status: students can request the extension of their student status for a single year, if:

  • they do not enrol into a higher year due to justified reasons or
  • they do not graduate in 12 months upon the completion of the last semester.
Student mothers can request a 12 months’ extension of their student status for each new-born child born during the time of their studies.
If students fail to complete all examinations they lose their student status and they are only registered in the faculty records.

Candidates can also pass examinations as residents. This option refers to the enrolment of citizens in the registry of participants in education who autonomously engage in specific subjects or parts of the part-time study programme under the conditions which apply for the implementation of the programme. Individuals who are engaged in education as residents do not hold the student status. Residents receive a certificate stating the grade and the number of acquired credits for each passed examination. Residents do not have a specified curriculum or year of study programme and can thus not request the recognition of examinations and knowledge from other schools and/or their work experience.
Residents pay the admission fee and all examination fees according to the applicable price-list.

Recognition of examinations

In accordance with FKPV Regulations on the Testing and Assessment of Knowledge, students who were enrolled in other higher education programmes prior to their enrolment at the Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences can request the recognition of their previously passed examinations. Examinations can be recognised in full or in part, depending on the compatibility of syllabuses, however only for the study year in which the student is enrolling. Requests for the recognition of examinations must enclose the certificate of completed examinations, including the grade and date of the completion of examination, the subject syllabus, which must be confirmed by the relevant school, and a copy of the receipt of payment of the request fee. On the basis of the proposal of the relevant subject lecturer, the final decision regarding the recognition of examination is made by the Committee for Study Affairs of the Undergraduate Study Programme.

Recognition of subject requirements for work practice is done by the work practice coordinator on the basis of the student’s request, while this proposal is confirmed by the Committee for Study Affairs of the Undergraduate Study Programme. The criterion for the recognition of the suitability of work experience is the similarity of the subject’s operational objectives and tasks and responsibilities carried out by the student during employment.

Exceptions for the recognition of examinations:

  • examinations older than 10 years (5 years for IT subjects) are usually not recognised;
  • the suitability of content is assessed by the relevant subject lecturer.
Recognition of work experience

Work practice is recognised in full to:
  • graduates from suitable short-cycle higher education programmes (request for recognition is not required) and
  • students who have a minimum of 2 years’ suitable work experience from regular or part-time employment; these students must submit a request for the recognition of work practice.

Work practice is recognised in part to students, who have at least 2 years of suitable work experience. In this case the students must complete the specified number of hours of work practice in a company, and prepare a written report on the work practice. Students must submit the request with enclosed supporting documents within the specified deadline.

Deadlines for submission of requests:

  • Requests for the recognition of an examination: by 31 December of each academic year
  • Requests for the recognition of work practice: by 30 June of each academic year.

Recognition of informally acquired knowledge and skills

The Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences will recognise students’ knowledge and skills acquired prior to their enrolment in undergraduate study programmes, in full or in part, depending on whether they correspond in full or in part to the general and subject-specific competencies and undergraduate programme content.

The faculty can recognise knowledge and training acquired through formal, informal or non-formal learning. The basis for the recognition is a written request with enclosed formal certificates and a summary of the programme and/or other supporting documents which can be used in the assessment. The level of recognition of study requirements is approved by the Committee for Study Affairs for Undergraduate Studies, which also determines the corresponding credits and grades.

The following documents serve as the basis for recognition:
  • certificate or other document about the acquired knowledge outside a higher education institution;
  • assessment of products, services, publications or other works of the student if they conform to the content of the study programme option selected by the student; this decision is made by the relevant subject lecturer;
  • certificate of previously assessed knowledge in specific subjects, or a passed examination, even though the student was not enrolled in a programme;
  • published papers in scientific publications or at conferences if they conform to the study programme content selected by the student; this decision is made by the relevant subject lecturer;
  • applicative research and consultancy project reports if they conform to the study programme option content selected by the student; this decision is made by the relevant subject lecturer;
  • certificate from the organisation about students’ work experience in the professional field selected for their studies; the faculty will only recognise experience which clearly demonstrates that the candidates had to follow theoretical achievements and integrate them into their work; this decision is made by the subject lecturer;

On the basis of the above-specified documentation, including the opinion of the relevant subject lecturer, the Committee for Study Affairs for Undergraduate Studies decides on the full or partial recognition of the full or partial recognition of study requirements for specific subject, seminar or other requirements with due consideration of specific subjects.

The above-specified criteria apply only for knowledge acquired in Slovenia, not abroad.

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