Admission requirements

The following candidates may enrol in the doctoral study programme:

Access to the doctoral study programme is granted to candidates who have successfully completed:

  • Second level study program;
  • A study program that educates for professions regulated by European Union directives or another unified master’s study program that is evaluated with 300 ECTS credit points;
  • Study program for obtaining a university education, accepted before June 11, 2004;
  • Study program for obtaining a specialization, accepted before June 11, 2004, who previously completed a higher education professional program. For candidates, the Committee for Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies determines additional study obligations for individual fields in the range of 30 to 60 ECTS credit points.
  • Study program for obtaining a Master of Science or specialization after completing the study program for obtaining a university education. Candidates are recognized with study obligations of up to 60 ECTS credits.

Regardless of the above indents, the Committee for Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies can determine additional study obligations in the range of 30 to 60 ECTS credit points for candidates enrolling from previously completed non-economic study programs.

Graduates of foreign universities can also enroll in the doctoral study program Business Sciences III. The equivalence of previously acquired education abroad is established in the process of recognition of foreign education for the purpose of continuing education, in accordance with the Statute and Rules on Enrollments.

Criteria for transitions between study programs

In accordance with the Criteria for transitions between study programs and the Rules on the procedure and criteria for recognizing informally acquired knowledge and skills and the Rules on Enrollments, students may be recognized for previously acquired formal education or informal knowledge. A student can enroll in the year for which he meets the conditions.

An admissions interview is held with the candidates, during which the following are determined:

  • motives of the candidate for doctoral studies,
  • inclination to scientific research work,
  • suitability of previous education for enrollment under the stated conditions,
  • other content in accordance with Article 5 of these Regulations.

A record is made of the admission interview.


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