Profile of a graduate

Graduates will be capable of creative use of knowledge in a business environment, independent and team work in professional and scientific research work, business communication in a domestic and international environment, analyzing the quality of business processes with the aim of achieving business excellence and using modern information technology in a business environment. In addition, they will develop subject-specific competencies such as:

  • the ability to understand and solve concrete problems in the field of service activities, especially tourism (health, green, wellness) and hotel industry, using scientific research methods and methods of critical analysis;
  • the ability to recognize opportunities and threats in the global tourism market, especially in the EU market, and based on this, the ability to introduce changes in the organization’s operations;
  • in-depth understanding of tourism as a social phenomenon and its impact on the environment, national and international economy;
  • the ability to analyze specifics in the formation of obligation relationships, which tourist companies enter into when carrying out their activities;
  • the ability to study and analyze the status and contractual integration of tourism companies and their business units (e.g. concerns, hotel chains…);
  • identifying the key strengths, weaknesses and economic effects of tourism in the implementation of sustainable development;
  • the ability to define the key elements of the marketing mix and create strategies in the business of tourism and hotel companies;
  • the ability to take on the most demanding tasks in the planning, design, development and management of modern business systems in the field of tourism (health, green, wellness) hotel industry and other service activities.

With the acquired knowledge and competences, graduates of the Master’s study will be employable in the field of tourism, where they will be able to apply the acquired specific knowledge in various areas of business and specific professional functions in the organization. On the basis of interdisciplinary knowledge of the fields of activity, graduates will be qualified to plan, organize, manage and control services and activities in the field of tourism, hotel management and health care in the organization and the wider social environment.

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