Profile of a graduate

Graduates will be capable of creative use of knowledge in a business environment, independent and team work in professional and scientific research work, business communication in a domestic and international environment, analyzing the quality of business processes with the aim of achieving business excellence and using modern information technology in a business environment. In addition, they will acquire subject-specific competencies such as:

  • knowledge and understanding of the history of the development of economics and other business sciences;
  • the ability to understand and solve concrete work problems using scientific methods and procedures;
  • the ability to connect knowledge from different fields (interdisciplinary);
  • the ability to place new information and interpretations in the context of professional development;
  • use of information and communication technology and systems;
  • development of skills and abilities in the application of knowledge in the field of economics, management, organization, finance, law, audit, personnel;
  • the ability to analyze, synthesize and anticipate solutions and consequences of phenomena in intercultural communication and international business;
  • recognition of opportunities and threats in the global market, especially in the sales and purchasing function, and recognition of the specificity of the relationship to individual contents within the EU.

With the acquired knowledge and competences, the graduates of the Master’s study in the field of Commercial will be employable after completing their studies:

  • in leading and management positions in profit and non-profit organizations and in the state administration,
  • in consulting organizations as analysts and consultants for various fields such as internal auditors, tax consultants, etc.,
  • in small (own) companies, where the owner must have all the knowledge for running a small company and managing risks in it, and
  • as researchers and analysts in banks, public administration, research institutes and higher education.

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