
Research and development activities

The Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (FCBS) has a clear strategy in the field of research, and includes development and applicative research in its programmes. Research activities are linked directly to the study process and refer to the work of students in the undergraduate and postgraduate studies, the work of academic staff, researchers and partners from the business sector.

A research institute provides an institutional framework for the research activities of FCBS staff. We have been registered with the ARRS as a research institution and a research group comprising ten registered researchers since 2008. Researchers actively participate at domestic and international scientific conferences and engage in research, development, applicative and professional projects at the Slovenian and international level.

The research and development work includes the participation of the FCBS associate staff from the business sector and other institutions. The results of institute’s activities are clearly evident from the published papers of the FCBS staff in scientific and professional publications; their active participation at international scientific conferences; research projects acquired through tenders; and reflected in the economy and the environment. Indirectly the results are also shown by the response of companies to the quality of undergraduate, master’s and doctoral theses of our graduates, which are prepared with the support of mentors in work organisations.

Research and development work are an integral component of study programmes. Students prepare for it in both a methodological and professional sense. The FCBS encourages students to address current problems within organisations where they work or complete their work practice in their final thesis. Thus, members of the FCBS academic staff (such as mentors) indirectly participate in the applicative development-oriented research at the students’ employers.

The FCBS strategy foresees the development and quality assurance of research: acquisition of research and development projects, inclusion of employees, associate staff, host lecturers and researchers in projects, organisation of conferences, collaboration with businesses, participation in international exchanges, publication of the FCBS’s own scientific journal and dedication to the continuous professional development of staff.

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