Per Review Process

Every single contribution submitted to Fostering Knowledge, Prosperty & Venturing Journal – FKPV Journal and selected for a peer-review will be sent to, at least, one reviewer, though usually could be sent to two or more independent reviewers, selected by the editor and sometimes by more if further advice is required (e.g., on statistics or on a particular technique).

The primary purpose of the review is to provide the editors with the information necessary to make a decision. The review should also instruct the authors on how to strengthen their paper up to the point where it should be acceptable. A negative review should explain to the authors the weaknesses of their manuscript, so that rejected authors are able to understand the basis for the decision and see, in broad terms, what needs to be done to improve the manuscript in order to be published anywhere.

The Editorial Board will inform the authors on the results of the reviewers’ and editors’ work on the text in due time. The Editors reserve the right to make necessary jdjustments to the text according to the propositions and standards of the English language.

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