Career Centre

About the Career Centre

The FCBS Career Centre (FCBS CC) is an autonomous organisational unit established to advise, inform and raise awareness of students, graduates, academic staff and other staff about the possibilities in their career development, solution of students’ dilemmas within the study programmes, study and professional mobility, work practice and life-long learning.

The FCBS CC is a centre where consultancy and support services are provided to the stakeholders in the study process in the areas of selection of subjects, preparation for employment, international mobility, acquisition of practical experience, etc.

The career centre is open:

  • during its regular working hours,
  • through different organised events (consultancies, workshops),
  • individual consultancy (with prior arrangement through the following email)
  • through the FCBS website.
FCBS CC is intended for:
  • current FCBS students (information about studies, choice of elective content, career guidance, mobility, work practice, etc);
  • future students of the FCBS (information about possibilities for study and employment);
  • graduates of the FCBS (connection with the FCBS Alumni Club, information about employment, coordination of work practice, communication with new staff, etc);
  • full-time academic staff and other staff, as well as part-time staff of the FCBS (counselling and guidance in the field of personal development, career management, life-long learning, promotions, mobility, etc);
  • employers (provides them with the possibility to present themselves to candidates and acquire new employees, as well as participate in the development and implementation of programmes).

Information for operation of the FCBS CC is provided within the framework of processes and the FCBS system in participation with external institutions and the FCBS staff.


FCBS Career centre

Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences
Lava 7, Celje, Slovenia

“Javni razpis za izbor operacij se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa za izvajanje evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014-2020, prednostne osi: 10. Znanje, spretnosti in vseživljenjsko učenje za boljšo zaposljivost; prednostne naložbe: 10.1 Krepitev enake dostopnosti vseživljenjskega učenja za vse starostne skupine v formalnem, neformalnem in priložnostnem okolju, izpopolnjevanje znanj, spretnosti in kompetenc delovne sile ter spodbujanje prožnih možnosti učenja, vključno prek poklicnega usmerjanja in validiranja 2 pridobljenih kompetenc specifičnega cilja: 10.1.3 Spodbujanje prožnih oblik učenja ter podpora kakovostni karierni orientaciji za šolajočo se mladino na vseh ravneh izobraževalnega sistema.”

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