Information about FCBS


Founding year:

  • 2004: Celje School of Commerce
  • 2008: Reformation to the Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences
Name: Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences
Address: Lava 7, 3000 Celje, Slovenia
Registration Number: 1914464000
VAT Identification Number: 20383550 (we are VAT exempt)
Personal Identification Code – PIC: 939891880
ECHE: 270178-EPP-1-2015-1-SI-EPPKA3-ECHE


phone: +386 (0)3 428 55 56


phone: +386 (0)3 428 55 91


phone: +386 (0)3 428 55 58

The mission of the Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (FCBS) is to provide business organisations and the public and third sectors with highly trained economists who are qualified to perform important jobs in various organisations. By operating in Celje, the Faculty aims to bring the opportunity of attaining higher education to students from the Celjsko-Savinjsko region and appeal to them with uniquely oriented study programmes, which will also attract students to other FCBS training centres across Slovenia. In order to ensure appropriately oriented programmes, the FCBS is constantly and systematically developing quality co-operation with students’ potential employers. Research activities of the FCBS are focused predominantly on the needs and requirements of the end users.

The FCBS (formerly the Celje School for Commerce) was founded by the education company Abitura d.o.o. Celje. Although the school was not founded to bring profit to its owners, it does aim to be economically successful. It is effectively organised and provides students with lectures of the highest quality, as well as with the required technical equipment at competitive prices. The FCBS attracted high-quality teaching and other staff by ensuring an environment focused on co-operation and excellent teaching conditions.

We will continue to carry out our mission in all three cycles of the Bologna process, organised either by the FCBS alone or in co-operation with other higher education institutions in Slovenia and abroad.

The Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (FCBS) aims to become one of the leading private schools of commerce in Slovenia and to be recognised as one of the best in Europe. The effective combination of theory and practice produces highly qualified graduates with skills and knowledge applicable in the business and public sectors at the European level. The FCBS appeals to prospective students and their potential employers by setting a high standard of quality.

The Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences (FCBS) is implementing 1st and 2nd cycle study programmes (as specified by the Bologna Declaration). Undergraduate studies are completed with a bachelor thesis; students qualify for the title of Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Business Informatics, or Bachelor of Tourism Management. Postgraduate studies are completed with a master’s thesis; students qualify for the title of Master of Business Studies. The use of the ECTS grading system enables students to spend a semester at another higher education institution or faculty in Slovenia or abroad.

Our strategic guidelines focus mainly on newly introduced research activities and on providing students with the opportunity to earn a master’s or doctoral degree from the FCBS or its partner organisations in Slovenia and, in future, from partner organisations abroad.


The Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences has six units:

  • Celje – FCBS, Lava 7, 3000 Celje, Slovenia
  • Ljubljana – BIC –  Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana
  • Maribor – IC Piramida
  • Nova Gorica – Šolski center Nova Gorica
  • Murska Sobota – Murska Sobota School of Economics
  • Slovenj Gradec – Višja strokovna šola Slovenj Gradec

International Co-operation

The internationalisation processes of the FCBS are run on two levels. The first level is intended to provide students and teaching staff with the opportunity to acquire additional knowledge and experience by studying or teaching abroad. The aim of the second level is to transfer our study programmes abroad. The FCBS is interested in co-operation with higher education institutions in the EU and in other countries and aims to gain international recognition. Bilateral co-operation is carried out in the form of teaching staff visits, joint research projects and student exchanges, as well as the implementation of our undergraduate programmes in co-operation with partner institutions abroad.

The FCBS has already signed a number of mutual co-operation contracts and agreements with foreign institutes, faculties and universities. These agreements cover co-operation in the fields of student exchanges and research, co-operation between institutions when organising and attending conferences, various exchanges of study literature, and, mainly, co-operation in the fields of study connected to our accredited programmes (Commerce, Tourism, Business Informatics, Security Management).

We provide several options for studying or working abroad. They are intended for students and teachers who wish to obtain additional knowledge and experience abroad, have the motivation to make the most of diverse environments at foreign institutions, and who will benefit from their experiences abroad when continuing their studies or furthering their career.

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